My Junior My Junior® Sienna Baby Carriers Adaptor – MJ 0252003
£25.50 £25.50
In Stock
  • With the Ergänzbaren Baby Car Seats, Junior adaptors of this My® Sienna you can the most popular seats for the car on the pushchair chassis. The following Baby Car Seats are compatible: bébé confort® Pebble, Cybex Aton 4, Cybex Aton® Q, Maxi-Cosi Cabriofix, Maxi-Cosi Pebble, Maxi-Cosi Pebble plus, kiddy page Luna isize, kiddy evolution EVO Luna Lunafix/Kiddy Evolution Pro, Pro2, Recaro.


My Junior My Junior® Sienna Baby Carriers Adaptor – MJ 0252003 is available in Car Seat Adapters

My Junior® Sienna Baby Car Seats adaptor
With the Ergänzbaren Baby Car Seats, Junior adaptors of this My® Sienna you can trim the most popular seats for the car to the chassis of the My Junior® Sienna onto your head.
The adapters are for the following baby car seats Suitable for:
Bébé Confort® Emergency Replacement Pebble
Cybex Aton® 4
Cybex Aton® Q
Maxi-Cosi ® CabrioFix
Maxi-Cosi ® Pebble
Maxi-Cosi Pebble plus
Kiddy Page Luna isize
Kiddy Page Luna Lunafix
Kiddy Evolution Pro
Kiddy Evolution Pro

Product Group Baby Product