Happy Mummy Hook and Stroll
£5.35 £5.99
4.7 out of 5
There are 824 customer reviews for this product

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Product Group Baby Product
Color Black
essential for buggy sanity, 18 Dec. 2009
So you are pushing your new fangled 'bar handle' buggy for the first time. It's great isn't it? And then you go shopping. And there's nowhere to put the bags because the baby is lying in the bottom bunk fast asleep. So you wish you had asked about whether it was easy to carry bags and handbags and beach paraphernalia. And it's like the darkness has descended over your life as you realise you bought a £300+ buggy that is only of use for pushing children and absolutely nothing else, in spite of what the adverts tell you about its basket capacity. And then you visit Amazon and you find these hooks and you read this review and it's like a light has switched on over your life again. You will never regret buying these hooks, but you may regret buying the Phil and Ted's buggy if you don't.

Verified Purchase This review is from: Happy Mummy Hook and Stroll (Baby Product)

Brilliant, 15 May 2010
The only hooks I have found which fit the Stokke Xplory. Ultra strong velcro - I don't believe the other review which says it constantly comes apart...I hung an electric cool box on them last week and walked two miles home! Fantastic value for money purchase & I highly recommend them.

This review is from: Happy Mummy Hook and Stroll (Baby Product)

Excellent hook, 29 Mar. 2009
These hooks work really well. I have them attached to both the Bugaboo Bee and the Microlite buggy. They are very easy to attach and hanging things on them is very quick too. Excellent product.

This review is from: Happy Mummy Hook and Stroll (Baby Product)